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About Me

Hi there!


My name is Kissha Catherine Tan. A 14 year old who seriously loves nutella. A vintage lover. Purplist and Blue lover. I tend to create and imagine things out of the blue. I hate cats but love their enemies (dogs <3). I find Wanderlust as an inspirational word. (Hey! might let me know what's your favorite word) Acatra is a word that people don't know but you might've heard from me. Yes! I did create the word.


I'm really open to anything. So my Social Media sites are available for you to click. 


I set this page up for me to at least ,at some point, use my free time to create something. Ta da!!!

I hereby present to you my wixpage. I'm sorry if I'm too unprofessional at this. But please also know that I'm only doing this for fun. And by fun means I can do everything to my perspective. Gladly I would accept any concerns and suggestions for my page. 

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